Sunday 10 April 2011

Here are our ANSWERS and our QUESTIONS:)

1. What is your school called and where is it in Malta?
Our school is called Dun Gorg Preca School and it is in Hamrun.
2. What language do you speak?
We speak Maltese and English.
3. Which class are you in and how many boys and girls are there?
We are in class 4.2. We are 10 boys and 11 girls.
4. What are you studying in your school?
In school we are studying Maths, English, Maltese, Religion, Social Studies, Science, PSD, Music and Art.
5. Do you have any class pets?
No, we do not have any class pets.
6. Do you have any famous myths or legends?
Yes, we have famous legends.
7. What are your names and your teacher's name?
Our names are Aidan, Brendan, Celine, Christy, Isaac, Jade, John, Julia, Kylie, Matthew, Nicole, Niven, Owen B., Owen M., Raisa, Sarah, Shanaia, Shelsey, Tristian and Yanica. Our teacher is Miss Magro and Miss Galea and Mr. Sultana are our LSAs.
8. What do you like to eat and drink?
We like to eat sandwiches, pasta, pizza, pies, chicken nuggets, potatoes and sausages, salad and burgers, meat and fish and obviously Maltese ftira, which is a Maltese bread with tomato paste, capers, olives, anchiovies and olive oil. We also like to eat fruit and vegetables.
We like to drink water, milk, ice tea, juices and fresh orange juice, fanta, coke, sprite and other soft drinks among them Kinnie which is also a Maltese drink.
9. What kind of hobbies do you have?
Our hobbies are dancing, drama, football, athletics, playing the piano and the guitar and recorder (which we learn at school), painting and drawing, singing, playing video games and computer games, watching TV, knitting and other crafts and ballet.
10. Do they make maltesers (chocolate) in Malta?
No, Maltesers are not named after Malta or Maltese people and they are not made in Malta neither. They are made by Forrest Mars, Sr. and are also known as "Energy Balls".
Here are our questions for you to answer:

1. Do you have any pets at home and at school?
2. What are your names?
3. What do you like to play?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. Who is your teacher?
6. What is the name of your school?
7. Who are your friends?
8. What is your favourite subject at school?
9. Who is your headmaster or headmistress?
10. How is the weather in Scotland at the moment?
11. Where is your school situated?
12. Is your school playground big?
13. What do you like to play in the playground?
14. What do you do in the holidays?
15. What is your favourite sport?
16. Do you have LSAs in your class?
17. Is your playground covered with grass?
18. Are there trees in your playground?
19. Do you have whiteboards, blackboards or interactive whiteboards in your classrooms?
20. Do you have any computers in your class like we do?
21. Do you have a PE teacher in your school?
22. Are you happy at school?
23. Do you have lockers in your schools? We don’t have them.:(